一、 个人简介
二、 主要研究方向
三、 代表性科研成果
1. Wang X,Wu G,Wang Y,Sun Z,Luo B*.Gene variations of Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antigen 3A in nasopharyngeal carcinomas, gastric carcinomas and healthy carriers in northern China, Arch Virol, 2013, 158(10): 2041-2048
2. Liu S, Wang X, Shi Y, Han L, Zhao Z, Zhao C, Luo B*. Toll-like Receptor Gene Polymorphisms and Suscepti -bility to Epstein-Barr Virus-associated and -Negative Gastric Carcinoma in Northern China, Saudi J Gastroenterol, 2015, Mar-Apr (2): 95-110
3. Song Liu,Xiaofeng Wang,Jun Shu, Zhenzhen Zhao,Zhifu Sun,Bing Luo*. Sequence analysis of EBV immune evasion gene BNLF2a in EBV associated tumors and healthy individuals from nasopharyngeal carcinoma endemic and non‐endemic regions of China, J Med Virol, 2015, 87(11):1946-1952
4. Wang Y,Wang XF, Sun ZF, Luo B*.Unique variations of Epstein-Barr virus-encoded BARF1 gene in nasopharyngeal carcinoma biopsies, VirusRes. 2012,166(1-2):23-30
5. Inoue E , Wang X , Osawa Y , Okazaki K*. Full genomic amplification and subtyping ofinfluenza A virus using a single set of universal primers, Microbiol Immunol, 2010,54 (3): 129-134
1. 青岛市科技局项目,家族性乳腺癌血浆microRNA标志物的筛选及调控机制的研究
2. 山东省教育厅项目,J09LC19,乳腺癌抑癌基因甲基化机制的研究
3. 青岛市科技局项目,KZJ-03,EB病毒基因多态性与鼻咽癌发生相关性的研究
1. Epstein-Barr virus(EBV)感染与胃癌发生的分子机理研究,山东省科技进步贰等奖(第三位)
2. HPV11/16与喉乳头瘤、喉癌的关系以及HPV11/16致癌机理分子水平研究,青岛市科学技术进步叁等奖(第四位)
3. EB病毒相关性肿瘤组织中病毒基因多态性的检测与分析,青岛市科技进步奖,贰等奖(第五位)
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