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3. Zhang X, Meng Y, Zhang D, Fang W*. A novel cascade allows Metarhizium robertsii to distinguish cuticle and hemocoel microenvironments during infection of insects. Plos biology. 2021,8(中科院一区,IF=8.029)
4. Zhang X, St. Leger RJ, Fang W*. Pyruvate accumulation is the first line of cell defense against heat stress in a fungus. mBio 2017, 8(中科院一区,IF5y=7.01)
5. Zhang X, St. Leger RJ, Fang W*. Pyruvate accumulation is a mechanism for cross protection against abiotic stresses in a fungus. Environmental Microbiology. 2018, 5(中科院二区,IF5y=5.985).
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