2016.9-2019.10 复旦大学, 药理学博士
2020.8-现在 新葡京娱乐场app
1. 肿瘤药理学
2. 心血管药理学
(1) Wang X,Qian C,Yang Y,Liu MY,Ke Y,Qian ZM*. Phosphorylated Rasal2 facilitates breast cancer progression. Ebiomedicine. 2019;50:144-155.
(2) Wang X,Yin X,Yang Y*. Rasal2 suppresses breast cancer cell proliferation modulated by secretory autophagy. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 2019;462(1-2):115-122.
(3) Fanghui Sun,Xiaoxiao Jiang,Xuan Wang,Yong Bao,Guize Feng,Huijuan Liu, Xinhui Kou,Qing Zhu.Lan Jiang*. Vincristine Ablation of Sirt2 Induces Cell Apoptosis and Mitophagy via Hsp70. Biochem Pharmacol.2019;162:142-153.
(4) Kou X,Jiang X,Liu H,Wang X,Sun F,Han J,Fan J,Feng G,Lin Z,Jiang L,Yang Y*. Simvastatin Functions as an Hsp90 inhibitor to against Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Cancer Science. 2018;109(10):3272-3284.
(5) Xinhui Kou,Xiaoxiao Jiang,Huijuan Liu,Fanghui Sun,Xuan Wang,Longkai Liu, Hongrui Liu,Zhaohu Lin,Lan Jiang,Yonghua Yang*. Vorinostat and Simvastatin have synergistic effects on triple-negative breast cancer cells via abrogating Rab7 prenylation. European Journal of Pharmacology. 2017;813:161-171.
(6) 石垚,贾敏,张婷婷,王玄,蒋益萍,辛海量*.不同生长时段对萼猕猴桃叶中黄酮类成分的含量分析[J]. 国际药学研究杂志. 2018;45(10):795-798.
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