

作者: 时间:2021-09-16 点击数:

傅琳 个人简介




傅琳,女,1989年10月生于山东省泰安市。2016年7月毕业于中科院生物化学与细胞生物学研究所,获博士学位。 2016年9月作为青年卓越人才引进青岛大学近年来,发表论文19篇,其中SCI论文16篇,撰写英文专著1篇。作为第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文10篇,其中,中科院JCR一区SCI论文5篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金一项,中国博士后特别资助一项,中国博士后面上项目一等资助一项,医学部临床X+项目一项




1) Lin Fu and Lingqiang Zhang*. Physiological functions of CKIP-1: From molecular mechanisms to therapy implications. Ageing research reviews 2019; 53: 100908. (IF:10.895)

2) Lin Fu, Chun-Ping Cui, Xueli Zhang and Lingqiang Zhang*. The functions and regulation of Smurfs in cancers. Seminars in Cancer Biology doi: 10.1016/j.semcancer.2019.12.023. (IF:15.707)

3) Lin Fu and Lingqiang Zhang*. Serotonylation: A novel histone H3 marker. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 2019; 4: 15. (IF:18.187)

4) Lin Fu, Hailong Wu, Steven Y Cheng, Daming Gao, Lei Zhang and Yun Zhao*. Set7 mediated Gli3 methylation plays a positive role in the activation of Sonic Hedgehog pathway. eLife. 2016, 10.7554/eLife.15690. (IF:8.140)

5) Yan Zhang#, Lin Fu#, Xiaolong Qi, Zhenyi Zhang, Yuanxin Xia, Jianhang Jia, Jin Jiang, Yun Zhao* and Geng Wu*. Structural insight into the mutual recognition and regulation between Suppressor of Fused and Gli/Ci. Nature Communications. 2013, 4:2608. (#equal contribution) (IF:14.919)

6) Yingying Che and Lin Fu*. Aberrant expression and regulatory network of splicing factor-SRSF3 in tumors. Journal of Cancer 2020; 11(12):3502-3511. (IF: 4.207)

7) Kun Lu, Yingli Sui, Lin Fu*. Identification of TRIM56 as a Potential Biomarker for Lung Adenocarcinoma. Cancer management and research  2021;  4(13):2201-2213. IF=3.989

8) Mixue Bai, Kun Lu, Yingying Che and Lin Fu*. Analysis of deubiquitinase OTUD5 as a biomarker and therapeutic target for cervical cancer by bioinformatic analysis. PeerJ  2020;30(8):e9146.  (IF:2.984)

9) Yingli Sui, Kun Lu, Lin Fu*. Prediction and analysis of novel key Genes ITGAX, LAPTM5, SERPINE1 in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma through bioinformatics analysis. PeerJ  2021;9:e11272.  (IF=2.984).

10) Lin Fu, Chun-Ping Cui and Lingqiang Zhang*. Regulation of Stem Cells by Cullin-RING Ligase., Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology (Nature Springer). 2020;1217:79-98. (IF:2.622)

11) Lin Fu, Xiangdong Lv, Yue Xiong and Yun Zhao*. Investigation of protein-protein interactions and conformational changes in Hedgehog signaling pathway by FRET. Methods in Molecular Biology, Hedgehog Signaling Protocols (Second Edition, Springer Science), Chapter 6. 2015, 1322:61-70.

12) Jiansen Du, Lin Fu, Yingli Sui and Liangqiang Zhang*. The function and regulation of OTU deubiquitinases. Frontiers of Medicine  doi: 10.1007/s11684-019-0734-4. (IF:4.592) 

13) Xu Xiao, Jingjie Tang, Chao Peng, Yan Wang, Lin Fu, Zhiping Qiu, Yue Xiong, Lianfang Yang, Hai-wei Cui, Xiao-long He, Lei Yin, Wei Qi, Catherine C.L. Wong, Yun Zhao, Bo-liang Li, Wen-wei Qiu and Bao-liang Song*. Cholesterol modification of Smoothened is required for Hedgehog signaling. Molecular Cell. 2017, 66(1):154-162. (IF:17.970)

14) Xiangdong Lv, Zhijun Han, Hao Chen, Bo Yang, Xiaofeng Yang, Yuanxin Xia, Chenyu Pan, Lin Fu, Shuo Zhang, Hui Han, Min Wu, Zhaocai Zhou, Lei Zhang, Lin Li, Gang Wei, Yun Zhao*. A positive role for polycomb in transcriptional regulation via H4K20me1. Cell Research. 2016, 26(5):529-542. (IF:25.617)


1) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(批准号:81702743),22万元,项目负责人

2) 中国博士后特别资助(批准号:2019T12056818万元,项目负责人

3) 中国博士后面上项目一等资助(批准号:2018M640612),8万元,项目负责人



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